Schengen Visa Services from Dubai
By Alneser Almalaki (CPS)

An additional perk of living and working in Dubai is the proximity to Europe and the opportunity to travel the world. If you are wondering about how to apply for Schengen visa from Dubai, Right Corporate Services offers fast and reliable Schengen Visa assistance services that entitles the holder to unrestricted travel to European Union (EU) countries which have signed up to the Schengen agreement.

The Schengen Visa is a "visitor visa" that facilitates traveling between its 25 member countries (22 European Union states and 3 non-EU members) and makes it much easier and less bureaucratic. A traveler on a Schengen Visa can travel to any (or all) member countries using one single visa, thus avoiding the hassle and expense of obtaining individual visas for each country. This is particularly favorable for persons who wish to travel to several European countries on the same trip.

Schengen Countries Are:
Austria. Belgium, Czech Republic Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

Alneser Almalaki Corporate Services Provider we go one step further by professionally handling your entire Schengen visa application and guiding you throughout the process. Our services include appointment from the desired consulate, filing your visa application, hotel reservation, flight booking, and Travel insurance to support entire processes as well.
Give us a call to start your visa processing today. 0522600963